Offers Undergraduate Training and Post Graduate Training

The Department Of Public Health Dentistry is involved with training of undergraduate and postgraduate students in the theoretical and practical aspects of dental public health, as well as in oral health research. In addition to this, the department is involved in various health programmes, social welfare initiatives, rural health and school health programmes.

To improve the oral health of the community,thereby alleviating the quality of life.
- To promote oral health and provide resources towards the same.
- To involve people in their own health
- To be a trusted resource for oral health information in the community.
- To conduct research and identify effective strategies for improvement of oral health.
- To influence public policy and legislation in a positive manner.
- To practice and promote evidence- based dentistry.

- Manage oral health programmes
- Evaluate oral health systems
- Demonstrate ethical decision making in practice
- Design oral health surveillance system
- Communicate on oral and public health issues
- Patient diagnosis, treatment planning and performing comprehensive dental care
- Advocate for healthy public policy and legislation
- Critically appraise evidence to address issues
- Conduct oral health research
- Integrate social determinants of health into practice.