
The department of Oral Pathology and microbiology has to its credit a team of highly qualified, experienced and enthusiastic faculty on its roll. Teaching staff is involved along with students in different research projects. We credit our success to our esteemed faculty.
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1. |
Name of staff: Dr.Krishnanand P Satelur
Contact Number: +91-98862-66776
Email: krishnanandps@dscds.edu.in
Date of Birth: 15/04/1978
Years of Experience: 17yrs 09months
Total No. of Publications: 29
Total No. of Presentations: 07
Chapter in Text Book published:1
PG Guide: Yes
PhD Guide: No
Invited as Speaker/Guest Lectures: 05
Guideship: Yes, recognised as PG Guide by RGUHS
Examinership: UG & PG Examiner in RGUHS, MUHS, NTRUHS, MGRUHS, KUHS, RUHS, GUHC
Special Membership: Indian Association of Oral & Maxillofacial pathology (IAOMP), Indian Association of Forensic Odontology (IAFO), Indian Dental Association (IDA)
Assessor, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)
Associate Dean - Under Graduate Academics, Dayananda Sagar College of Dental Sciences (DSCDS), Bengaluru
Academic Council Member, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) for 2020-21.
Executive Committee Member of the IAOMP, 2014-16
Secretary, Bangalore Group of Oral Pathologists for Oral Cancer (BSOPOC®)– a Registered Society under Government of Karnataka
Head & Coordinator, Basic Sciences Departments, Dayananda Sagar College of Dental Sciences
RGUHS recognized Post Graduate Guide from May 2014.
Subject Matter Expert, Research Development & Sustenance Committee, DSCDS
Reviewer, RGUHS Journal of Dental Sciences, Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology
Reviewer, TMU Journal of Dentistry, TeerthankarMahaveer Jain University.
Post Graduate & Undergraduate Subject Expert, Examiner, Assessor & Paper setter in Health Universities of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Seemandhra, Telangana, Kerala Rajasthan, Orissa & National Capital Region (NCR). |
Professor & Head, Associate Dean - UG Academics |
Name of the staff: Dr.Sangeetha R
Primary Qualifications: BDS, MDS (Oral and maxillofacial pathology)
Designation: Reader
Contact number: 7760400400
Email: sangeethar@dscds.edu.in
Years of Experience: 13yrs and 9 months
Rank: 2nd Rank in MDS in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology - RGUHS - 2010
Position Held: Master trainer at RGUHS for all healthcare professionals, Board of studies member (2021-2024), Faculty trainer, soft skill trainer and JOMFP Reviewer
Awards: 3rd Prize in Symbiosis in Ayurveda and Dentistry Pioneering Holistic Oral Wellness at an International Conference in 2023
Total number of Publications: 23
Total FDP @ RGUHS and DSU as resource person conducted: 15
Invited resource person: @RGUHS, DSU and Karnataka cancer society
Additional qualification: Fellowship in forensic odontology, Developing and Advanced Soft skills and personality, Short course on educational methodology, Boot Camp for Master trainers,
E- contents and ITC tools for effective teaching.
Certificate courses completed: 14
Book Published: 2
Course writer: 1
Handout prepared: 2
Scientific Presentations: 26
Keynote speaker: 4
Guest speaker: 12
Invited resource person @DSU and karnataka cancer society, ProQIT Faculty Training Workshop, Faculty Development Program in Education Methodology
Examinership: UG examiner in RGUHS, JSS, MSRUAS, KLE
Coordinator: Dental Education Technology Unit
Others: Undergraduate Subject Expert, Chief superintendent, Internal and external Examiner, Assessor & Paper setter in Universities of health sciences, Karnataka
Chairperson / Judge
Specialty Membership: Indian Association of Oral & Maxillofacial pathology (IAOMP)
Student research work : 6
• Comparison of contrast and microscopic structural details of tooth and bone using Terminalia chebula stain on the ground section with that of unstained ground section ( Short term research grant for Yashika S shinde , 2023 )
Citation: Research gate citation – 158, Total reads: 6379, h-index: 6, i10-index: 3, Research Interest
Faculty research work : 3
Area of interest: Training, Coaching, Women Empowerment, soft skills, Educational Research, Academic writing
Citation: Research gate citation - 116, Total reads: 6379, h-index : 5, i10-index: 3
Awards :
- 3rd Prize in Scientific presentation in Original research Category for the topic titled “ Mandibular Ramus landmarks in Sex Determination : A Digital Orthopantomographic Study” at National Symposium on Forensic Odontology & Disaster Victim Identification held on 3rd and 4th February 2023 at M R Ambedkar Dental College and Hospital , Bengaluru.
- Two short films in the No tobacco day program organized by karnataka cancer society in association with DSCDS on may 31st 2022 and got 2nd and 3rd prize .
- III Prize for Poster at IDA Bangalore branch 2014
- Session best paper award in staff paper category: ‘Reagent free H & E staining method’ paper presented at IAOMP conference held at Bangalore, November 2014.
- Ayush in Oral Health and Diseases: An Overview. Journal of Natural Remedies. 2023; 23(3):423-435.
- Laughter Yoga Therapy for Health Care Professionals and Students - A Recommendation.Bangalore Dental Journal. IDA 2022; 5 (2):6 - 8. ( 1st Author )
- The Oral microbiome in post COVID-19: A Systematic review. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications. 2022: Volume 7, Issue 2; 30-37.( 2nd Author)
- Histological Assessment of FucoidanGelatine Chitosan Compound Injectable Hydrogel for Bone Regeneration in Wistar Rats. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2021;83(6):1254-1260. ( 6th Author)
- he current understanding on langerhans' cells and its role in oral lesions.Contemp Clin Dent. 2020; 11:211-6. ( Scopus Indexed ) (2nd author)
- Persistent Lip Sucking Mimicking Peutz - Jeghers Syndrome – A Rare Presentation of Two Cases. RGUHS Journal of Dental Sciences.2019; 11(1):73-76. (DCI category 1) (2nd author)
- Histological patterns of Lymph Nodes in neck dissections of Oral SCC. Head and Neck Journal July 2017; 39:S1.
- Immunomorphological patterns of cervical lymph nodes in oral squamous cell carcinoma. J Oral MaxillofacPathol 2014; 18:349-55 (PubMed indexed) (3rd Author).
- Cemento Ossifying Fibroma of the Maxilla - A Case Report. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine. 2014; 5 (6): 108-112. ( DCI category 1) (2nd author).
- ‘Enhancing Traditional Mentoring with Student Peer - Assisted Mentoring’. International Dental Journal. P203. AWDC 2014 Author Index. (international) (Pubmed indexed) (1st author) (Abstract only).
- ‘Reagent free H & E staining method’. JOMFP (2014). (Pubmed indexed).
- >"Ameloblastoma: cytopathology profile of 12 cases and literature review". Journal of Cytology.2014; 31(3):161-164. (international) (Pubmed indexed).(4th Author)
- Leiomyoma of the maxilla - Case report with review of literature.Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology. 2014; 26(3):331-333. (Pub med indexed) (4th Author)
- An Insight into Cytopathology of odontogenic tumors: A review. Global Journal of Medicine and Public Health. 2014; 4(3):1-5.(3rd Author)
- Nasopalatine duct cyst – A case report and review. KLES Dental Journal. 2014; 3(1):1-5.
- Supplemental permanent maxillary lateral incisor: a case report. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; 3(5):1081-1084. (2nd Author).
- Review on “Influence of Host Genes on Dental Caries”. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2013; 4(3):86-92.(3rd Author).
- >Comparison of routine decalcification methods with microwave decalcification of bone and teeth. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. 2013; 17 (3):386-391. (Pubmed indexed)(1st Author).
- Comparative morphometric study of AgNORS in variants of ameloblastoma. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. 2012;16(3):355-358 (Pubmed indexed) (4th Author).
- Biopsy unveiled: troubleshooting oral biopsies. KLES Dental Journal. 2012; 1 (1): 36-40.
- >Reactive Hyperplastic Lesions of the Gingiva: A Retrospective Study of 260 Cases.World J Dent. 2012; 3(2):126-130.(1st Author).
- Role of Beta – carotene in prevention of DMBA induced carcinogenesis in rat submandibular salivary gland as estimated by Zn and Cu levels in serum using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. INSIGHT. 2011; 1(3):60-62.
- Odontogenic cysts: a clinicopathological study of 100 cases. INSIGHT.2010;1(1):63-66.
FDP resource person @ RGUHS and DSU: 14
- Developing skills to improve Mental – Emotional Resilience in Nursing Education and Hospital Sector at College of Nursing Science, Dayananda Sagar university held between 10th July to 14th July 2023
- Resource person for Level 1 Phase 3 Basic Course in Education Methodology at Oxford Dental College and Hospital on April 11-12, 2023.
- Faculty Development Program on Basic Course in Education Methodology organized by Committee of Dental Education Technology on August 29-30, 2022, at DSCDS, Bengaluru.
- Faculty Development online webinar on Assessment methods for Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, and under (RAATI) in zone-wise batches on February 14 and 16, 2022.
- FDP on “Digital Skills for Educating Health Care Professionals” held on October 13, 2021, organized by College of Nursing, Suyog Group of Institution, Mysore.
- Faculty Development Program on Basic Course in Education Methodology (Level 1, Phase 1) under RGUHS Academic and Administrative Training Institute (RAATI) on July 13-14, 2021, at Ambedkar Dental College and Hospital, Bengaluru.
- Faculty Development Program on “Sensitizing Teachers in Education and Assessment Methodology (STEAM)” organized by College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dayananda Sagar university in collaboration with APTI from July 26-30, 2021.
- Faculty Development Program on Basic Course in Education Methodology (Level 1, Phase 1) under RGUHS Academic and Administrative Training Institute (RAATI) on August 6-7, 2019, at Vydehi Institute of dental sciences, Bengaluru.
- Faculty Development Program on Basic Course in Education Methodology (Level 1, Phase 1) under RGUHS Academic and Administrative Training Institute (RAATI) on October 30-31, 2019, at Bangalore Institute of dental sciences, Bengaluru.
- Faculty Development Program on Basic Course in Education Methodology (Level 1, Phase 1) organized by Dayananda Sagar university in collaboration with APTI on July 12-13, 2019, at Dayananda Sagar University (Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, and Nursing Faculty).
- Faculty Development Program on Basic Course in Education Methodology (Level 1, Phase 1) under RGUHS Academic and Administrative Training Institute (RAATI) on April 4-5, 2019, at Ikon Pharmacy College, Bidadi.
- Faculty Development Program on Basic Course in Education Methodology (Level 1, Phase 1) under RGUHS Academic and Administrative Training Institute (RAATI) on March 27-28, 2019, at T-John Pharmacy College, Bangalore.
- Resource person for the induction program on Educational Methodology and Innovative methods of Teaching organized by KLES institute of dental sciences, Bengaluru in association with the Department of Health Professionals’ Education and Development RGUHS in August 2014.
- Resource person for the Teachers' Training Program ( 6 days ) in June 2014 at RAATI, where she trained faculties of healthcare professionals under the supervision of Dr. Munir Ahmed, director at RGUHS Academic and Administrative Training Institute (RAATI)
Book Published:
- Langerhans’ cells in Health and Disease - A Comprehensive Guide. Scholars,
Press. Dodo Books Indian Ocean Ltd. OmniScriptum S.R.L publishing group. ISBN: 978-620-5-52308-7. www.ingimage.com. 2023
- Developmental Disturbances of Tongue – A Comprehensive Guide. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN No: 978-3-330-05865-1, ISBN-10: 333005865X, EAN: 9783330058651, Published on: 2017-03-23, Number of pages 116. 2017
Course writer: 2019-2020
Theory UNIT VI Systemic Diseases Involving Oral cavity : Brief review and Oral manifestations, diagnosis & significance of common blood , nutritional diseases of oral cavity
The course writer SLM for oral pathology and applied aspects ( Semester II - Theory and Practical ) for ODL mode for MSc .Forensic Odontology , JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research
Scientific Posters and Papers presented by Dr.SangeethaR :
- "Symbiosis in Ayurveda and Dentistry: Pioneering Holistic Oral Wellness” at the International conference on “Exploring the potential of Ayurveda in Promoting the Well-being of Human beings, Animal Environment, and Animals” on the 8th Ayurveda day with the theme of Ayurveda for Everyone on everyday, organized jointly by JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mysuru, and South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Kazakhstan, hosted by JSS College Of Pharmacy, Ooty on 28th November 2023.
- "“Characterizing the Prevalence and Diversity of Candida Species in the Oral Cavity of COVID-19 Recovered Patients” at the 30th National conference of IAOMP held from 3rd - 5th Nov 2023, organized by KLE V.K institute of Dental Sciences, Belagavi.
- “Revolutionizing Victim Identification: Cutting-Edge Dental Implant Recognition in Forensic Odontology” at the INTERNATIONAL FORENSIC FORUM-2023 (IFF-2023) held on October 19, 20 & 21 at the Department of Forensic Science, SSAHS, Sharda University In Association with Sherlock Institute of Forensic Science (SIFS).
- " “Role Of AI and MI in Oral Pathology” at “National Oral Pathologists’ Day” conducted on 25th February 2023 by the Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology and Oral Microbiology, Faculty of Dental Sciences, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences.
- "Mandibular Ramus landmarks in Sex Determination: A Digital Orthopantomographic Study" paper presented at National Symposium on Forensic Odontology & Disaster Victim Identification held on 3rd and 4th February 2023 at M R Ambedkar Dental College and Hospital, Bengaluru
- "Oral cancer screening in health care" presented at (AMRITACON 2019) Amrita International public health Conference held at Amrita institute of Medical sciences and research center, Kochi, Kerala in Nov 2019.
- "Using Social media as a tool to improve brushing habits" poster co- presenter at International Digital Conference, 3rd – 5th August 2018, Nimhans convention center, Bangalore.
- "Microscopic structural patterns of compound odontoma using Digital Microscope" poster presented at International Digital Conference, 3rd – 5th August 2018, Nimhans convention center, Bangalore.
- "A Rare case report of craniofacial fibrous dysplasia" poster co-author at XVII National IAOMP Post Graduate Convention, held at Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute, Chennai in July 2018.
- "Adenomatoid hyperplasia of labial minor salivary gland" Clinico pathological correlation presented at XVII National IAOMP Post Graduate Convention, held at Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute, Chennai in July 2018.
- Crime Scene Investigation – Bite-mark Documentation Guideline, Presented at 15th National conference of The Indian Association of Forensic Odontology held at Bengaluru in Sept 2017.
- Histological patterns of Lymph Nodes in neck dissections of Oral SCC, poster presented at 6th World Congress International Academy of Oral Oncology at Bengaluru in May 2017.
- Glandular Odontogenic Cyst- A Case Report, Poster as a Co – Author presented at Dentistry 2016 held at Nimhans Convention center Bangalore in September 2016.
- Microwave H and E staining, Poster presented at Dentistry 2016 held at Nimhans Convention center Bangalore in September 2016.
- Role of dental implants in forensic identification – A review, Presented at the 13th National Conference of Indian Association of Forensic Odontology held at Mysore in September 2015.
- "Lymph Nodes in oral squamous cell carcinoma". Presented at the XIII National OOO symposium held at Bangalore in March 2015.
- ‘Smoking Kills Smoking Thrills’ Poster presented at IDA Bangalore branch and KLE institute of Dental Sciences on “World No Tobacco Day In May 2014.
- ‘Reagent free H &E staining method’ paper presented at XXIII National conference of IAOMP conference held at Bangalore, November 2014.
- ‘Enhancing traditional mentoring with student peer - assisted mentoring’. Presented at FDI World Congress held at Delhi, Sept 2014.
- ‘Flow chart on tobacco control’. Presented at KLEs dental college on Anti Tobacco day in May 2014.
- The Impact of the Internet on the Physician - Patient Relationship. Presented at the ‘Youth against Cancer’ International Symposium organized by Carcinogenesis Foundation (USA) and NarainSewaSansthan held at Bangalore in August 2013.
- Student Peer Assisted Learning – A Novel Approach to Improve Tooth Carving Skills. Presented at 1st National Conference on Dental Health Professions Education held at Bengaluru on May 30 – 31 2013.
- Decalcification: A shift to microwave from routine methods. Presented at XX National Conference of IAOMP at Hyderabad in Nov 2011.
- Comparison of Normal Teeth with Odontoma using Compound and Polarized Microscope. Presented at XVII National Conference of IAOMP at Kolkata in Dec 2008.
- Lasers in Oral Pathology. Presented at 2nd National Conference of Society for Lasers Applications held at Bangalore in 2008.
- Ameloblastoma in Disguise. Presented at the VIII National PG Convention of IAOMP held at Wardha in June 2008.
- Dr. Sangeetha R, worked as a coordinator in the Faculty Development Programme on Basic Course in Education Methodology (Level 1, Phase 1) under RGUHS Academic and Administrative Training Institute (RAATI) on 10th & 11th Oct 2019 at Dayananda Sagar College of dental sciences, Bengaluru.
- Dr. Sangeetha R, worked as a coordinator in the Faculty Development Programme on Basic Course in Education Methodology under DETU on 29th & 30th Aug 2022 at Dayananda Sagar College of dental sciences, Bengaluru.
- Dr. Sangeetha R, worked as a coordinator in the Faculty Development Programme on OSCE and OSPE under DETU on 10th & 11th Oct 2022 at Dayananda Sagar College of dental sciences, Bengaluru
Name of the staff:Dr.Vidya M A
Primary Qualifications: BDS, MDS (Oral and maxillofacial pathology)
Designation: Assistant Professor
Contact number: 9945421369
Years of Experience: 9 years
Special Membership: Indian Association of Oral & Maxillofacial pathology (IAOMP), Indian Dental Association (IDA)
Total number of Publications: 11
Handout prepared: 2
Total No. of Presentations: 05
Chairperson / Judge: 2
Student research work: 7
Faculty research work: 1 (Principal Co-investigator)
Reviewer and assistant Editor: Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (JOMFP)
Reviewer: TMU Journal of Dentistry, TeerthankarMahaveer Jain University.
Co-ordinator: for National Oral Cancer Registry (NOCR) by IDA, database for Oral Cancer and Precancer.
Office bearer: Bangalore Group of Oral Pathologists for Oral Cancer (BSOPOC®)– a Registered Society under Government of Karnataka.
Regional Co-ordinator: Oral for Forensic Odontology conference Bangalore 2017.
Area of interest: Teaching, Forensic Odontology, Oncology,Research.
Serial No |
Tittle of the article |
Name of the journal |
Category I/II/III |
Year of publication |
1 |
A clinico- pathological study of 30 cases of oral irritation fibroma- an institutional experience. |
Journal of Dental era |
2013 |
2 |
Curcumin - Role in Dentistry. |
Journal of pearldent |
2017 |
3 |
Role of Bite marks in Personal identification. |
Journal of pearldent |
2017 |
4 |
Immunohisochemical study of alpha-Smooth muscle actin expression in odontogenic cysts and tumor. |
Journal of Oral and maxillofacial pathology. Year 2018, VOLUME 22,ISSSUE 3 |
I |
2018 |
5 |
Cusp of carabelli: Frequency, distribution and type in Bengaluru populationThe .. |
Journal of Oral and maxillofacial pathology. Year 2018, VOLUME 22,ISSSUE 2 |
2018 |
6 |
Immunohisochemical study of alpha-Smooth muscle actin expression in oral Leukoplakia and oral squamous cell carcinoma |
-Journal of oral and maxillofacial pathology Year 2019,vol 23,Issue 1 |
2019 |
7 |
Oral squamous papilloma management with diode laser : A case report. |
International journal of contemporary medical research, Volume 6, issue 5,May 2019 |
II |
2019 |
8 |
The dendritic cell tool for Oral cancer treatment. |
Journal of Oral and maxillofacial pathology.2019, Volume, 23,Issue 3. |
I |
2019 |
9 |
The Role of Free Radicals and Reactive Oxygen Species in Biological Systems-A Comprehensive Review. |
International Journal Of Drug Research And Dental Science, 4(3), 28-41. https://doi.org/10.36437/ijdrd.2022.4.3.E |
1 |
2022 |
10 |
Mamelon Prevalence: Unveiling the Impact of Age, Gender, and Dietary Patterns |
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(10), 5769-5780 |
I |
2023 |
11 |
Oral And Systemic Effects of Smokeless Tobacco Usage: A Review And Update. |
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(10), 3006-3025 |
II |
2023 |
Scientific Posters and Papers presented
- Poster presentation on“Histological glimpse of soft tissue tumors.”National OOO symposium 2010 in association with Indian academy of oral medicine and radiology.
- “ExtraskeletalPlasmacytomaMelanoticNeuroectodermal tumor of infancy: A rare tumor” at the XIX National and I international Conference of the Indian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists on 10-12 December 2010 Chennai.
- From Macroscopy to Microscopy-An analysis of regional lymph nodes in OSCC. XI National Post-Graduate convention 2011. IAOMP conducted at Manipal College of Dental Sciences on 9th and 10th of July 2011Employment Summary.
- ‘Immunohistochemical study of Alpha-SMA expression in Odontogenic Cysts and tumors. XXVII National IAOMP Conference, Amritsar. 16-18 thNovember2018.
- MelanoticNeuroectodermal tumor of infancy case presentation at the international Oral pathology case presentation webinar 0n 21-02-2021.
- Chaired session of post graduate students paper presentation at OOO conference held on 13 thjuly 2019 at Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences,Bhuvaneshwar.
- Forensic Odontology conference Bengalore 2017. Paper presentation on Bite marks identification.
- Delivered lecture on Anatomy of maxilla mandible and age changes on 06-02-19 at Compreshensive implant work shop 2019 held at DayanandaSagarColleg of Dental Sciences.