Department News
The Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology in association with GSK Pharmaceuticals organized a Webinar on Dilemmas in Management of Dental Infections in special population of Cardiac, Diabetic, Pregnant and Paediatric patients on 25/03/2018 The program was attended by first Year Postgradute students and Interns.
The panellists included Prof. Dr. Krishnaraj Ganeshnarayan- Partner and head of clinical operations, Delta Dental care and Professor in Periodontics, Coorg Institute of dental Sciences, Virajpet, Dr. Shalini Joshi - Internal Medicine consultant at Fortis Hospitals, Dr. Susheela Rani – MD, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Majushree Speciality Hospital, Bangalore and Dr. Kumar NC-Professor, Department od Pedodontics, Vydehi institute of dental sciences, Bangalore
The panellists highlighted the importance of recording the medical history and also discussed the dental management of diabetic, Pregnant, cardiac and Paediatric patients. Various case scenarios were highlighted and the audience were informed about the way they need to be managed
The Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Dayananda Sagar Dental College, Bengaluru, conducted a three-day Master class on March 11,12,13th 2019 for the exam-going postgraduate students. Guest speakers were faculty of OMR from various Dental colleges, General Radiology and Hematology and Pedodontics. Post Graduate students from various colleges from Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka and our city participated in the three-day rapid review of the subject.
On March 11th the program was inaugurated by the Honorable Register Evaluation, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru, Dr K B Lingegowda. He expressed that the need of the hour is a comprehensive approach towards management of oral cancer and it should be a team effort. He wished the students the very best for their future.
Principal, Prof Dr Hemanth encouraged the audience to develop more interest in research and involve in treating and rehabilitating cancer patients and informed that our college is well equipped for the same.
Dr Chaya M David, HOD, OMR and Organizing Chairperson described the link OMR has with General Medicine and how important it is to diagnose and treat with a hospital approach.
Dr Manasa, Dr Ramnarayan, Dr Namitha, Dr Mahesh, Dr Preeti and Dr Darshana along with PGs of department were included in the scientific and other arrangements and did a great job.
- Dr Manasa Anand Meundi, Dr Namitha Jayapal and Dr Darshana Sachin Nayak Participated in 12th Asian Congress of Oral Medicine and Radiology during 6th to 9th September 2018 held at Mumbai and presented a scientific research papers on the respective topics:
- Dr. Manasa Anand Meundi - “Application of Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Facial Soft Tissue Thickness measurements for Craniofacial Reconstruction”
- Dr. Namitha Jaypal-“Differentiation between Benign and Metastatic cervical lymph nodes using Ultrasound”
- Dr. Darshana Sachin Nayak- “Study Of Three Dimensional Morphology Of Mandibular Condyle Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography”
- Dr Manasa Anand Meundi participated in 1st international and 16th national conference of Indian academy of forensic odontology during 28-30th September 2018 held at Goa and presented a scientific research paper on
- “Facial Soft Tissue Thickness measurements and variations in sex: A study of Cone Beam Computed Tomographic images in South Indian adults”

Dr. Chaya M David, HOD, Oral Medicine and Radiology, DSCDS presented a guest lecture on “Effective Communication in Teaching- the Art and Its Challenges”. At the National Conference of the Indian Academy of the Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology 2018 at Udaipur

Dr. Nancy R, First year PG Student, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, won Best Paper Award on “Bioimpedence Imaging- A Novel Approach in Early detection of Oral Cancer” at 30th National Conference Of Indian Academy Of Oral Medicine and Radiology Udaipur- 2018.