Admission open for academic year 2024-2025
Administrative Team
Vision & Mission
Institutional Strategic Plan
Institutional Distinctiveness
Institutional Best Practices
Principal's Message
Governing Council
Transitional Years
Our Services
General Regulations
Mandatory Disclosures
Admission Flyers
BDS Admissions
MDS Admissions
PhD Admissions
Campus Life
Food & Transport
Financial Aid
Pay Fee Online
Student Charter & Council
Student Code of Conduct and Ethics
Student Health Manual
E-Notice Board
Student Grievance Cell
About Library
Library Staff
Faculty Books
Circulation Section
Journals Section
Digital Library
User Awareness
Usefull URL`s
NAAC-AQAR 2023-24
Criteria I
Criteria II
Criteria III
Criteria IV
Criteria V
Criteria VI
Criteria VII
Criteria VIII
Criteria IV
>4.1.1 Doc 1 List of available teaching-learning facilities
>4.1.1 Doc 2 Geo-tagged-photographs
>4.1.1 Doc 3 Any Other Relevant information
>4.1.2 Doc 1 List of available sports and cultural facilities
>4.1.2 Doc 2 Geo-tagged photographs
>4.1.2 Doc 3 Any other relevant information
>4.1.3 Doc 1 Geotagged Photographs of Campus facilities
>4.1.3 Doc 2 Any other relevant information
>4.1.4 Doc 1 Audited utilization statements.
>4.1.4 Doc 2 Details of budget allocation excluding salary during last 5 years (Data Template)
>4.1.4 Doc 3 Any other relevant information
>4.2.1 Doc 1 The Facilities as per Stipulation of respective Regulatory bodies with geotagging
>4.2.1 Doc 2 The List of Facilities available for patient care teaching learning and research
>4.2.1 Doc 3 Any other relevant information
>4.2.2 Doc 1 Details of teaching hospitals (attached or shared hospitals after due approval by the regulatory council_university) where the students receive their clinical training
>4.2.2 Doc 2 Yearwise outpatient & inpatient Statistics for the last 5 years
>4.2.2 Doc 3 Link to Hospital records
>4.2.2 Data Template
>4.2.3 Doc 1 Detailed report of activities and list of students benefitted due to exposure to learning resource
>4.2.3 Doc 2 Details of laboratories, Animal house and herbal garden
>4.2.3 Doc 3 Number of UG, PG Students exposed to laboratories, animal house and herbal garden per yearbased on time-table and attendance
>4.2.3 Doc 4 Any other relevant information
>4.2.4 Doc 1 Description of community-based Teaching Learning activities
>4.2.4 Doc 2 Details of Rural and Urban health centers involved in teaching learning activities and student participation in such activities
>4.2.4 Doc 3 Govt orders on allotment_assignment of PHC to the institution
>4.2.4 Doc 4 Any other relevant information
>4.3.1 Doc 1 Geo-tagged Photographs of library facilities
>4.3.1 Doc 2 Any other relevant Information
>4.3.2 Doc1 Data on acquisition of books , journals, manuscripts, ancient books etc in the library
>4.3.2 Doc 2 Geotagged photographs of relevant library sections
>4.3.2 Doc 3 Any other relevant information
>4.3.3 Doc 1 Details of subscriptions like e-journals, e-shodhSindhu, Shodhganga Membership etc.,(Data Template)
>4.3.3 Doc 2 E copy of subscription letter, member ship letter
>4.3.3 Doc 3 Any other relevant information Helinet consortium fee paid receipts
>4.3.4 Doc 1 Audited Statement highlighting the expenditure for purchase of books and journals, library resources
>4.3.4 Doc 2 Details of annual expenditure for the purchase of books and journals including e-journals during the last year (Data Template)
>4.3.4 Doc 3 Any other relevant information
>4.3.5 Doc 1 Details of library usage by teachers and students
>4.3.5 Doc 2 Details of learner sessions & Library user programmes organized
>4.3.5 Doc 3 Any other relevant information
>4.3.6 Doc 1 Links to documents of e-contents used
>4.3.6 Doc 2 data template
>4.3.6 Doc 3 Any other relevant information
>4.4.1 Doc 1 Data template
>4.4.1 Doc 2 Geo-tagged photos of the facilities
>4.4.1 Any Other relevant Information
>4.4.2 Doc 1 Document related to IT, computer availability and Wi-Fi facilities
>4.4.2 Any other relevant information.pdf
>4.4.3 Doc 1 Details of available bandwidth of internet connection in the institution
>4.4.3 Doc 2 Bills for any one month of the last completed academic year indicating internet connection plan, speed and bandwidth
>4.4.3 Doc 3 Any other relevant information Institutional data in prescribed format
>4.5.1 Doc 1 Audited statement of accounts on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities.
>4.5.1 Doc 2 Details about approved budget and expenditure on physical and academic support facilities (Data Template)
>4.5.1 Doc 3 Any other relevant information.
>4.5.2 Doc 1 Minutes of meetings of the Maintenance committee
>4.5.2 Doc 2 Log book or other record regarding maintenance works
>4.5.2 Doc 3 Any other relevant information
>4.5.2 Doc 4 Geotagged photograph